The Russell 2000 [RUT] has been a outperformed index (comparing with Nasdaq Composite) in the last days. RUT is a stock market index that tracks the performance of the 2,000 smallest companies in the United States. It is often used as a benchmark for small-cap stocks. It is also used as a proxy for the overall health of the U.S. economy. When the Russell 2000 is performing well, it is a sign that the economy is growing. When the Russell 2000 is performing poorly, it is a sign that the economy is slowing down.

However, the RUT can be a good alternative when compared to other world indices such as the IPC (Mexico), for example. The US domestic economy remains too big a player to ignore despite any recessionary spirit.

There are a big support at ± 1,640 pts. The next relevant resistance is at ± 1,952, but the main is at ± 2,145. To think about new highs is difficult. As long as inflation is not controlled, interest rates will limit the growth. But, if a recession comes (as the curve of 10y and 2y Bonds suggests), There will be a reduction in interest rates that will force a temporary decline in indices.

Due to the above, RUT could move between the ± 2,096 and ± 1,845 pts., in the medium term. The average line is ± 2,048 and the critical zone is between ± 1,735 and ± 1,640.

The best analysis is yours!

J. Joel Padilla
