Bitcoin [BTC] has dropped ±-55% since the market correction of 2022. However, the bullish spirit always remains in its holders, which argue that it is going to be the future. That thesis could make sense if the following current phenomena are considered:
1. Public finances with debts that, in some cases, exceed GDP and the ability to pay (no credibility in fiat money).
2. Formation of economic blocks that encourages the deleveraging of the dollar and urge the use of other resources
3. Social monetary restriction through CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and data scores that control its use.

The above situation has made that some countries increase its gold stocks. The leverage in this classical asset might be optimal for stabilization purposes, but not for profit maximization [see: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/joelpadilla_joelpadilla-finance-economy-activity-7047175634443190273-cU-p?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop ]. The problem with this is that it is not readily available to citizens and is reserved for institutions, governments, and derivative instruments. For this reason, the BTC has been seen as a refuge for the people.

The FTX bankrupt and problem with BINANCE were the pretext to initiate the necessary regulation, (in a certain sense). In addition, Crypto based ETFs (Exchange Trade Funds) will make to BTC a non-free asset. If people think on BTC for its amazing profits, a relativity stabilization of volatility is more likely due to institutional intervention. Perhaps, it probably never was, as the trend is toward data hypervigilance and the blockchain let this. If citizen is not controlled by institutions, always will be by their governments thinking that is better. as if the State were not an accumulation of influence peddling cartels, which in exchange for social perks with money that is not theirs, legitimize and sanctify themselves.

The best analysis is yours!

J. Joel Padilla

Copyright: Joel Padilla 2023
