Along with uranium, lithium will play a key role in the policy of abandoning fossil fuels. Some uses are: rechargeable batteries, glass and ceramics, lubricants, metal production, pharmaceuticals, and other industrial applications such as air treatment, polymerization, and fuel cells. Based on many information sources, in 2022 the estimated top 20 was:

Rank | Country | Mine production (tonnes) | % Accumulated
1 Australia 61,000 41% 41%
2 Chile 39,000 26% 67%
3 China 19,000 13% 79%
4 Argentina 6,200 4% 83%
5 Portugal 5,000 3% 87%
6 Canada 4,500 3% 90%
7 Bolivia 4,000 3% 92%
8 Zimbabwe 3,000 2% 94%
9 United States 2,500 2% 96%
10 Mexico 1,500 1% 97%
11 Russia 1,000 1% 98%
12 Namibia 800 1% 98%
13 Germany 700 0% 99%
14 Spain 500 0% 99%
15 Austria 350 0% 99%
16 Serbia 300 0% 100%
17 Democratic Republic of the Congo 250 0% 100%
18 Finland 200 0% 100%
19 Sweden 150 0% 100%
20 Morocco 100 0% 100%

The relevance is that only 6 countries (Australia, China, Chile, Argentina, Portugal and Canada) controls near of ± 90% of total production. Of these, Australia, Portugal and Canada are pro-US and the rest may have strong reasons to no belong. In total terms, pro-USA bloc controls ± 44% and BRICS controls ± 17%.

Latin America controls ± 38% and Africa 3%. It is curious that the 3 best producers are in different continents: Australian, China and Chile. However, the nodal region is among the Pacific.

Based on a sample of 3 years with weekly data and ETF, the biggest correlation of this metal is with copper and SP500 in ± 59% each one. In contrast, its correlation with oil, natural gas, coal, gold and silver is ± 26% more or less each one. With uranium, their correlation is by ± 40%. As can be appreciated, it follows a relative high relation with the industrial activity and expectations of use.

The best analysis is yours!

J. Joel Padilla

Copyright: Joel Padilla 2023
