In 2022 everybody was scared about the beginning of Ukrainian War. In that time, alarms were sounded about the possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia. As a result, many governments purchased anti-radiation drugs. Such a situation did not suit anyone and was unfeasible because Russia had superiority over Ukraine, which has managed to survive with the outdated Western arsenal, but would not use the nuclear arsenal in a minor war: it would be unseemly.

However, today there is someone else willing to use them: Israel (it possesses nuclear fusion bombs, more powerful and superior than the rest). Besides, Middle East is not easy as Ukraine. ME is a very complex region due to the interests of all the powers for its oil and gas resources, mainly. In fact, it would be more feasible for the US to cede Taiwan rather than its influence in ME. The problem is that it has lost hegemony and many nuclear powers are fed up with USrael (US + Israel), and Chissia (China + Russia) is also willing to fight.

However, a major nuclear war is less likely because everyone will die. What is more likely is the use of minor tactical nuclear weapons. This can hurt some small areas (<500 km). The prognosis will not be happy, but more or less controllable. Radioactive winds could affect and the population will need medicines. There is a lot of psychopathy in world politics, so such a scenario should never be ruled out.

In that sense, the are some companies which produces drugs against nuclear damage: Bayer, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi and Amgen. In addition, if this are used, some types of cancer (leukemia, thyroid, lung, stomach and liver) could become more frequent a few decades later; this means, more profits for the pharmaceutical sector. Some of the companies involved are Gilead, AbbVie, Merck, Bristol Mayers Squibb, Roche and those mentioned above. Finally, it does not mean that the worst will happen tomorrow, but the world has changed and it will be seen in the coming decades.

The chart shows the major drug manufacturers. It shows their main margins and can be useful for many categories of analysis. In this comparison, Operating Margin [y] is explained by Gross Margin [x] by ≈ 46.75%, with an estimation error of ± 6.16% for every ± 1%. That is, in linear terms, every ± 1% in Gross Margin impacts Operating Margin by ± 0.479x.

The best analysis is yours!

J. Joel Padilla

Copyright: Joel Padilla 2023
