The world will be different. The current division was designed after World War II and U.S. hegemony over 70 years. Once China and Russia abandoned communism and restarted capitalism, it was able to grow. Its rise has shifted the balance of power, and in many cases, the known boundaries need not be maintained.

There are two main blocs: Chinese and American. In blue are the member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) and the Trilateral Security Pact (AUKUS). In red are the member countries of BRICS+ and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). There are more, but these are the most relevant at present.

Perhaps, the most important are the countries in yellow. These countries play a strategic role between the security of the main superpowers (USA and China) and continental trade routes. In America, México is the wall and container for Latin American traffic and Brasil, the door to the South. In Europe, Ukraine and Turkey are the main walls to Asia. In Africa, Niger is the center to control the Sahel region, and Morocco the gateway to Europe. In the Middle East, Israel is the guardian of the region and Gaza's gas reserves. In Asia, Indonesia is the gateway to the southwest, and India is the most enigmatic country.

India plays between the interests of China, the United States and Europe. He is a friend of Russia, and in the background he competes with China because if left, he will destroy it. It is also the "friendliest" region closest to the Strait of Hormuz and Iran, a key geopolitical player. In addition, they have a strong focus on STEM education, which has allowed them to advance in these areas and place themselves at the forefront. It will be a critical piece in 50 years. The problem is their caste system... Or advantage?

Mexico could play the same rol that India. It is close to being a US "protectorate", which also could flirt with China or Russia (unless the US makes a typical US move like a coup d'état on LatAm, finances single party systems like the PRI or destabilizes the country by financing organized crime). In fact, the Mexican problem is its lack of vision, its resource and manufacturing oriented policy, and null investments in Science or Technology, which neither PRIAN nor MORENA, ever had. However, its relevance will be crucial because it is close to the US, it is a neutral country, and it can receive all the industry from China and Europe (which might be plunged by conflicts derived from immigration and wars with the Muslim world).

The best analysis is yours!

J. Joel Padilla

Copyright: Joel Padilla 2023

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