A priori, we could set 2018 as the beginning of the multipolarity with the US Comercial war against China. In fact, 2020 was the year to try a disruption in supply chains, 2021 the year to fence the last borders between NATO and Russia with the Ukraine War, and 2023 the year to fight for the new silk road and stop the expansion of the BRICS+ in a direct and offensive way with the USrael (USA + Israel) War against Palestine. Of course, it will be more conflicts (see: https://jjplindex.blogspot.com/2023/12/latent-territorial-conflicts.html ). This only will be Proxy-Wars between the USA, Russia and China. The next might be in the Balcans bewtween Moldavia/Transnistria - Ukraine - Russia - Hungary - Poland.

The above only shows a trend: the militarisation of the world and the desire of social control. This will come accompanied by strong state control in many economic sectors (see: https://jjplindex.blogspot.com/2024/02/portfolio-state-interventionism.html ). Nonetheless, the most important factors for this are controlling the use of force (with polices and armies), and the money of citizens (with the instauration of CBDC).

Following the trend, it might be useful analyze the margins from defense and financial sector in order to find some investment ideas. Although the State could do anything to confiscate citizen money (via CBDC and Banks), banking will still play an important role not only as a channel of investments to the State, but also as controller of Bitcoin ETFs and other digital currencies (which in the collective imagination is a currency free of the establishment).

The chart shows the 20 largest companies over the world in this sectors. It was compared the ROIC (for Defense sector) and ROE (for Finance sector) from 5-year average, with the Net Profit from last twelve months (March 2024). The ROIC/ROE explained only by ≈32.11% the Net Profit behaviour, where each ± 1% of ROIC/ROE represent a ± 17.91% of Net Profit movement. The estimation error was ± 3.68%.

The best analysis is yours!

J. Joel Padilla

Copyright: Joel Padilla 2024
