The new multipolarity and climate change will bring the necessity to control the main rutes. At least, in 2024 there are 2 global blocks: OTAN/USrael and BRICS+/SCO. These phenomena, will carry 3 main effects:
- Reactivation of the Welfare State
- Inflation waves / Stagflation
- Re-industrialization (Security and Defense as the main vector of development and innovation) to protect the supply chain

In this sense, each block must have influence over the main commercial nodes. Indeed, climate change will exert new pressures. Therefore, in the coming decades or today, they may be the focus of the main wars that plague the world. In summary, these are:

1. Panama Canal: controls traffic between the Pacific and the Atlantic. The problem is its potential drought and reduction in operations.
2. Istmo de Tehuantepec: it could represent a joint alternative to the Panama Canal crisis thanks to the Interoceanic Train. The problem is that MX is just a protectorate of the US, but it may be a distention point between China/USA.
3. Suez Canal/Bab-al-Mandab: key point of the maritime silk route, but control over the Bab al-Mandab Strait could reduce Western influence
4. Strait of Hormuz: main energy trade route in the world, where in an extreme case, Iran could exert pressure. The problem is that the BRICS+ have superiority, but USrael might not hesitate to start a world war if their plan B is not successful (Israeli genocide)
5. Russia: it could become the main node for trade in the Arctic as climate change melts the plates in the coming decades, in addition to converting much Russian frozen land into fertile soil.
6. Silk Road: it is a trade route between China and Europe/USA. Traditionally it passed through Kazakhstan and Russia, or through Iran, Syria and T眉rkiye. The problem is that given the loss of USrael's hegemony, it must provoke an alternative route with its new allies: UAE, Saudi Arabia and Jordan (that would explain the real cause of the genocide in Gaza, among other factors).

As it can be seen, each node has many implications. The main idea of this post, it is only to mention the most relevant ones quickly. However, the most interesting area is in Middle East, a region full of betrayals and double intentions that will change global trade.

The best analysis is yours!

J. Joel Padilla

Copyright: Joel Padilla 2024
