Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. operates as a semiconductor company worldwide. It operates through Data Center, Client, Gaming, and Embedded segments. The company offers x86 microprocessors and graphics processing units (GPUs) as an accelerated processing unit, chipsets, data center, and professional GPUs; and embedded processors, and semi-custom system-on-chip (SoC) products, microprocessor and SoC development services and technology, data processing unites, field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), and adaptive SoC products.

Last repot: 30 June 2024

Based on a sample of the last year [2Q/24 TTM], its average margins have been:
- Gross margin: ≈ 51.0%
- Operating margin: ≈ 1.90%
- EBITDA margin: ≈ 17.1%
- Net margin: ≈ 4.8%

- Growth in the Data Centers segment
- Potential market absorption that Intel had
- Improved margins and no significant net debt

- Decline in the Gaming segment
- Low profitability ratios (especially in ROIC) compared to competitors and high valuation
- Doubts about demand and potential of AI in the short term

Based on the last report, their normalized annual EPS was ≈ $0.84 USD and its last average ROIC [TTM] was ≈ 1.59%. If an average Forward PER 150. is set as a benchmark with an EPS intensity of ± 0.4611x, the potential forward spread target for the next 12 months could be:
- Optimistic: ≈ $183.35 USD
- Neutral: ≈ $125.48 USD
- Negative: ≈ $67.62 USD
At least, an EPS of $0.1873 USD is required for the next quarter, to keep the metrics.

In other hand, if an average Forward EV/EBITDA 50 is set, an EBITDA increases of ± 65%, a Net Debt increases of 00%, a Dividends increase of 0% and Shares Outstanding increases of ± -0.25%, the potencial spread price target for the next 12 months could be:
- Optimistic: ≈ $207.15 USD
- Neutral: ≈ $126.14 USD
- Negative: ≈ $44.72 USD

Finally, according to current P/S ration, a possible spread might be at:
- P/S 10: ≈ $143.8 USD
- P/S 5: ≈ $71.9 USD

The best analysis is yours!

M.F. J. Joel Padilla

Copyright: Joel Padilla 2024
