In recent times, concerns about climate change have forced the adoption of new ways of producing clean energy. Some sources jumped into the fray such as solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, bioenergy or nuclear. In fact, a new form of state financing and "business" is developing around the idea that humans are guilty and therefore must pay for it. The form: subsidies for green companies (inefficient) and green taxes for citizens.
On the other hand, the rise of nationalisms against globalism has called this into question. Moreover, new scientific information has also revealed that climate change is part of the Earth's cycles, and not just human behaviour. Furthermore, geopolitical conflicts have driven the adoption of cheap and powerful forms of energy, namely oil, gas and coal.
The result is nations fighting each other over the "new energy paradigm." No one will discover anything, but they could reveal two processes:
1. “Clean energies” will undergo a revolution to make them truly efficient and powerful in order to contribute to non-dependence on oil and gas, or in the worst case, avoid their bullish cycles.
2. Nuclear energy will be the “only” energy in terms of efficiency and dominance in industrial and technological production: reserved only for developed countries and military powers.
3. The fossil fuel will stay for everybody due its cost and know-how facilities. Nevertheless, It will only be the leverage of development for poor nations due to its lack of innovation and lack of a truly high-performance industry that pushes into other powerful sources.
In all cases, citizens will bear the brunt, as always. They will be condemned to pay more taxes, whether for climate change or for helping their countries. Meanwhile, companies will have to improve if they want to survive. In fact, many of them will have to expand their portfolio of sources.
As an example, the chart shows companies that produce oil, gas, wind, geothermal, nuclear or coal energy, with their average Gross Margin and ROIC from the last 5-year. Of course, past metrics do not imply future margins.
The best analysis is yours!
J. Joel Padilla
Copyright: Joel Padilla 2024
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