The new soft and hard power will be in quantum computing [QC] and artificial intelligence [AI], especially the former. Classical computing uses 1s or 0s to display and process information; they are called "bits" and only occupy one position at a time. In the QC, through the "superposition process", information can occupy many states between 1 and 0 at once; these are called "qubits". Ergo, simultaneity allows operations to be streamlined in fractions of a second compared to classical computing, where it has to be done step by step.

To achieve "superposition," a qubit is injected with microwave pulses to leave it in a state between 0 and 1 until the calculation decides which one to use. The microwave pulses, through electromagnetic radiation, excites the atoms to achieve duality. In addition, it is necessary the "quantum entanglement". This means the ability to communicate regardless of distance, where the state of one qubit instantly determines the state of the other.

The complex process above is possible thanks to atomic manipulation with isolation of certain environmental conditions, the correlation of atoms and the natural interaction that arises between them. Besides, to be successful, they must be able to correct errors in the qubits and in the algorithms. All this is called "coherence."

Putting the above into practice requires materials such as superconductors, trapped ions, neutral atoms and photons. In turn, supercomputers that bring the above together. Some applications of these could be:
- Simulation of systems (development of materials and ecosystems)
- Optimization of problems (Science, Finance, Engineering, Mathematics or AI)
- Cryptography (writing, encryption and decoding)

Inspired in the above, the portfolio shows some companies focused on QC. The allocation was through Sortino Ratio optimization, with weekly data from 1 year. The main companies producing quantum devices are Google, IBM and Microsoft. Nevertheless, there are many more that try to compete.

The best analysis is yours!

J. Joel Padilla

Copyright: Joel Padilla 2024
