It will be increasingly common to hear the benefits of eating any type of meat other than traditional meat such as chicken, beef, pork, etc., the benefits of eating less or awareness of how harmful it is to produce food due to CO2 and shortage of water. In fact, each argument makes some sense, but the reality could be more macabre.

The last year Joel Padilla published who was the main meat and cereals producing countries:

As you can see, many producers belong to BRICS+. Faced with a multipolar world and a latent global war, many supply chains could be blocked. In fact, if the Arctic thaws, Russia could be the main producer due to its large territory across Asia by 2050. That would pose a threat to the West.

However, another hypothesis could be to give strength to synthetic producing companies to diversify the market. Currently, there are some companies such as New School Foods, Upside Foods (USA), Good Meats (Singapore-USA), Mosa Meat (Netherlands), Believer Meats (Israel), Multus Biotechnology (Canada), Blue Nalu (USA), Avant Meats (Israel), and some public ones like Beyond Meat (USA) or  Steakholder Foods (Israel). In fact, many classic food companies could offer these options, once demand was created (by real or artificial factors).

In that sense, the graph shows a portfolio with some examples of this sector. Beyond Meat and Steakholder Foods were selected, but also other typical companies in the sector to reduce the high risk that this area represents. Ergo, the allocation was made by optimizing the Sortino Ratio (with 1 year data). Be that as it may, any decision must go through other financial metrics given the risk that synthetic meat companies do not have profits yet.

The best analysis is yours!

J. Joel Padilla

Copyright: Joel Padilla 2024
